NiTron 90 the redefinition of power to weight.
Designed in switzerland and china.
The lightest 90 class nitro Helicopter build to date. Dry weight = 2180 grams. ( 4.80 pounds ) without blades and electronics.
Tron 5.8 the next level.
Designed in switzerland and china.
The saga continues with the Tron 5.8. Dry weight = 1530 grams without blades and electronics.
Tron 5.5 the little demon.
Designed in switzerland and china.
When modern design meets state of the art. Dry weight= 1310 grams without blades and electronics.
Rigid, compact, awesome NiTron.
Designed in switzerland and china.
Lets make nitrohelicopters great again. Dry weight= 1730 grams without blades, engine and electronics.
Tron 7.0, the new definition of the word flight performance.
Designed in switzerland and china.